Ballroom Dancing Watercolor Painting

Ballroom Dancing Watercolor Painting

Ballroom Dancing Watercolor Painting

This is the progress on the 15  x 20.5 inches ballroom dancing watercolor I have started a week ago.  I have continue to apply another layer of watercolor wash on the man’s ballroom gown.  I have learned from my previous night that when I do a large wash, I need to mix up enough paint for the whole wash, which I did this time.  I mixed Ultramarine Blue and Payne’s Grey, all of Windsor and Newton Watercolor for the man’s gown.  It was much easier and quicker to apply and I have enough time to use different shade of the mixture for the various part of the gown.  I also did the ladies legs and the shoes which is rather easy compare to the big area of the man’s gown.  I have also painted the ladies face and body.  It was a challenge especially for the facial expression which I know  is very important for the whole watercolor painting.  So far I am happy with the result and might need some minor correction later.  After I look at it at a distance, the color on the ladies arm and her beautiful dress extension seems be too similar and I need to address that also at a later date.

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