Watercolor Painting – Flower Arrangement Final (Washing Off Technique)

7.5 x 10 inches Watercolor Painting - Flower arrangement

7.5 x 10 inches Watercolor Painting - Flower arrangement

I have finised, or should I say re-finished the flower arrangement watercolor painting using the washing off technique as described on yesterday’s post.  It was lots of fun and although I still am not too happy with the result of the vase and it’s shadows, I think it makes a vast imporvement from my pre – washing off technique effort.  I like the softer overall feel that this washing off technique yield to the watercolor painting especially to the background and the flower arrangement.  Using this technique means the painting is painted, then the surface watercolor layer is washed off and repaint again.  This can be done as many times as the paper can take.  A fun technique to try out and explore.

Flower arrangement before washing off technique

Flower arrangement before washing off technique

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