This is a 15 x 20 inches watercolor painting of three pears that I have started yesterday. It has been painted on Strathmore watercolor paper in a block. I found that the paper seeems to yield a dull finish and the shiny fresh pigment seems to have dulled once the watercolor paint is dry. I will try more of it and compare to the Arches paper that I usually use. It is still 140 lb cold press paper and is comes in a block which you separate after you finished the painting. You can buy this is any Art Supply Store and actually it is very handy because you don’t need to tape your paper down and it remains relative flat. The only complain I have is that it is not usually the cut size of standard sheet of watercolor paper. The watercolor painting for three pears was done using a wet in wet wash on the pear and each of the pear was done while the other one was in the drying process. I will continue with the background and the texture of the pear in the next post.
Watercolor Painting – Three Pears
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