Day 3 Opus Daily Practice Challenge – Pattern. It has been posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using hashtag #opusdailypractice
Category Archives: Watercolor Exercise
Day 2 Watercolor and Arcylic – Groundhog
Day 2 Opus Daily Practice Challenge – Groundhog. It has been posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using hashtag #opusdailypractice
Day 1 Opus Daily Practice Challenge – Eggs
Eggs – Watercolor on paper 5.5″x7.5″
I have decided to take the Opus Daily Practice Challenge for 28 days. Here’s my Day 1 Practice Challenge – Eggs. It has been posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter using hashtag #opusdailypractice
Daily watercolor – Red Brick House watercolor painting
I have continue with the watercolor painting of the red brick house which is done on 140 lb cold press watercolor paper. Red brick painted with mixture of Burnt Sienna, Yellow Ochre etc all of Winsor and Newton Watercolor paint is being used. Wet in wet technique was used in the beginning. Later, dry brush technique is used for the texture of the brick. The top left corner of the window was painted first and below it I started off with a dark earth watercolor and later the cross window screen was lift off with a wet brush. Right side window was painted with mixture of Winsor Green, Ultramarine Blue and Winsor Violet with a touch of grey.
Dailywatercolor painting – Autumn leaves watercolor painting
This watercolor painting was done on a 15 x 15 inches cold press watercolor paper taken from a watercolor pad. The watercolor paper seems to have a different texture and characteristic than what I have been used to which is the Arches watercolor paper. It takes watercolor paint well but the paint seems to dry to a dull finish. I used the wet in wet technique in this autumn leaves study starting from the top left corner. The overall color is painted in and around the shapes. Somehow I lost the drawn outline and end up with an abstract of orange and yellow color instead of a painting of autumn leaves. Then I took the reference photo and started to outline the various shapes with a heavy felt tip black marker. After I did that to the reference photo, the shape of the leaves reappear and I can go over the watercolor painting with darker shades to outline the leaves. What I have learned is that I need to study the subject carefully and identify each of the subject and it’s relationship with the background before I start to paint. I would also like to experiment a little bit with a lighter outside border to increase the impact and interest of this autumn leaves watercolor study. Will show the final painting in a few days.
Daily Watercolor – Landscape watercolor painting – Fog – Underpainting watercolor study
Started this landscape watercolor painting in which I have outlined the landscape using pencil on a 15 x 22 inches of cold press Arches watercolor paper. Using Burnt Umber I painted the underpainting making aware of the different shade and form of the painting. Because at this stage there is no color pigment involved, more focus is on the various tone of the areas as well as the shape. Burnt Umber is the only color pigment I use at this time on the watercolor painting. Wet in wet technique is used to do a quick underpainting of the whole painting leaving white areas exposing the whiteness of the paper. Next stage will be using various colors for the foggy background and water reflections.
Daily Watercolor – Birch Landscape Watercolor Painting – Underpainting exercise
The above watercolor is the result of first doing a underpainting using Burnt Umber and then adding watercolro layer after layer on top. It was a fun exercise and although it took me twice the length of time to finish the painting, I think I have accomplished what I have started out to do. It is important to leave some of the areas blank so that watercolor can be easily on top. Most of the watercolor paint I put on at this stage are pigments right out of the tube. It gives the painting a fresh and brillent feeling of color and it have a better coverage of the Burnt Umber underpainting under neath.
Daily watercolor painting – Birch landscape watercolor painting – Under painting exercise
This is a continuation of the birch landscape watercolor painting. It is done with an underpainting using Burnt Umber watercolor paint. The whole underpainting is completed as show. Although there is only mon chrom at this stage, it is quite pleasent and I love the light and shade created. Tonal value is very important when colors are not applied. There is a different feeling towards a painting when the color is absent. You eyes drawn to the different tone created by the monochrome. Next I shall use watercolor pigment to paint over the Burnt Umber undercolor painting to create a full pigment watercolor.