Painted a 7.5 x 10 inches watercolor abstract last night based on one of the earlier abstract painting I did earlier before. I am trying to play around with the intensity of the color so many of the colors painted on this watercolor abstract is applied by painting brush loads of unmixed watercolor from the tube only diluted slightly with clean water. I started with a basic light flat wash on areas of the cold press watercolor paper (photo Abstract Watercolor – In progress ).
Salt was used in areas to create a special effect. It was let dry overnight and more intense color was painted on top. I found that the most difficult part in doing an abstracct painting is know when to stop. Knowing when to stop layering color on top of each other is very important otherwise the many layers of color could easily turn into muddy watcolor which any watercolor painting should avoid. Repeating form and color is important as well if you want the viewer to find unity in the watercolor painting as well as hormony. Also repeating a form can cover some of the mistakes so as to make it look deliberate rather than a mistake.
I like the flowers, very happy color, good job.