Tag Archives: flower

Daily watercolor painting – Flower closeup watercolor painting #1

Flower close up watercolor painting - 15 x 22 inches

Flower close up watercolor painting - 15 x 22 inches

I have started this flower close up watercolor painting on a sheet of 15 x 22 inches Arches watercolor paper.  First I use pencil to sketch in the outline of the flower close up.  Then watercolor paint was applied to areas in a wet in wet watercolor technique.  Clean water was put on the areas of the petal where the highlights are.  After it has been dried with the glossy sheen dissapear off the surface, color is applied.  A large watercolor brush is used in some of the larger areas.  Winsor violet is the major color used in this flower close up watercolor painting.

Abstract watercolor painting – Floral watercolor

Abstract watercolor - Floral watercolor painting

Abstract watercolor - Floral watercolor painting

This is an abstract watercolor and is on a 15 x 20 inches cold press watercolor paper.  I did this by taping the watercolor paper on a steel pan as the one I used for ink resist technique.  Many times I use a fine mist water bottle to finely spray the watercolor paint I put on the watercolor paper.  It was fun and free.  Salt also use for areas as you can see from the photo.  Some splattering of the watercolor paint is also used.  Before it is completely dry, lines at the bottom of the paper is painted by a brush.

Daily watercolor – Orchid watercolor painting – 15 x22 inches

Orchid watercolor painting - Final painting 15 x 22 inches

After painting many more layers of gradated watercolor wash for the background I think I have completed this Orchid watercolor painting.   This is a 15 x 22 inches watercolor and after the last layer of background is dried, I carelfuul did an outline around the orchid to give it a neat and sharp border.  Some watercolor paint areas of the orchid has been scrub away to review a lighter color so it has a bigger contrast towards the black background.  The leaves behind the orchid was also given more layers of watercolor wash to get it in a darker shade.  Finally yellow watercolor was painted on the tip of the orchid for accent.

Watercolor daily blog – Orchid watercolor painting

Watercolor painting blog - Orchid watercolor painting

The orchid watercolor painting has been added on more layers of watercolor paint to achieve a more solid background and darker background.   Winsor and Newton watercolor paint is used and the mixing of French Ultramarine Blue, Alizon Crimson and Burnt Sienna gives me darker and richer black for the background.  Layers of watercolor wash is also added on to the leaves behind the orchid.  I think another few layers of watercolor wash should be enough for the final painting and I think some colors in petals of the orchid should be lifted to show more white in contrast with the background.

Daily watercolor – Orchid Watercolor Painting

Orchid watercolor painting

The orchid watercolor painting has more layers paintied on the backgraound.  The darker watercolor is painted on in layers by mixing Winsor Green, French Ultramarine Blue and Alizarin Crimson to get the deep black.  Each layer is painted after the previous one is dried.  There is still details on the orchid that needs to be added as well as more layers of the background to get a more solid black.

Daily watercolor painting – Orchid watercolor painting

Orchid Painting - 15 x 22 inches

I have gone back to continue with the orchid watercolor painting.  It is done on a 15 x 22 inches sheet of cold press watercolor paper using Winsor and Newton Professional watercolor paint.  The background was done in a wash as the orchid area being blocked off by frisket.  Later on the orchid was painted in one by one using gradated wash over several layers.  I noticed that the background could be darker especially around the orchid.

Orchid watercolor painting – Daily transparent watercolor painting

Orchid watercolor painting - 15 x 22 inches

I am painting green plants again.  Although orchids are not green, it is a plant.   This  continuing orchid watercolor painting has been done on 15 x22 inches cold press watercolor paper.  Mostly wet in wet wash was used in the flower sepals and petals.  Some dry brush watercolor technique was used in the darker areas of the pollinia.   It was quite interesting when painting any subjuct especially the orchid.   As I study the orchid, I am beginning to know the various part of the plant and as I paint more orchids I hope I can get the feel of the property of the flower.   I think orchids are very fun and delicate plants to paint in transparent watercolor.

Orchid watercolor painting – my daily watercolor

Orchid watercolor painting - background wash still wet with mask

Done a background watercolor wash with the mask on the orchid.  It is a gradated wash and was done using a mixture of Yellow Ochre and Quinacridone Gold.  It was done in serveral washes when the other one is dry.  I want to try a simple watercolor wash background for this painting.  The key to the gradated wash was to mix more color than you will need for the wash, have a clean bucket of water and use a big flat brush.  Those three things are essential for doing a great watercolor wash.  It is good to use a wide big brush for the wash if your watercolor paper is larger than 15 x 22 inches.  Below is the result with the mask removed.

Orchid painting - Gradated wash and mask removed