My daily painting is still going on with a little Habanero Pepper this time. I hope my passion for the watercolor painting keeps up like the heat of this pepper. I found out from the internet that this little Habanero type of Pepper has a Scoville Heat Units of 325,000 to 570,000. Compare to a Jalapeno pepper which is only 5,000 Scoville Heat Units. I have a few of these mixed into the chili sauce I made this year so the chili sauce end up much hotter than other years. A small amount of the oil can cause a intense and prolonged oral suffering. It is fun doing this pepper in watercolor because of the mix of different color from orange to red to yellow. Love to do one in oil paint and the oil medium that I use is Winsor and Newton Water Soluble Oil. Have not an oil painting in a while and I am wondering if I can, like many of the oil painters that they can finish a small 6 x 6 inch oil painting each day. Well, may be that is my next challange after I get boared painting all these little chili peppers in watercolor.
Habanero Chili Pepper Watercolor Painting – Yellow
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