Continue with this landscape watercolor painting last night doing the rocks and trees. It is lots of fun doing this kind of watercolor painting makes me slow down and learn several different aspects in watercolor. One thing I learn from this exercise is to take my time in my painting. Doing a painting quick sometimes has opposite efficts and because watercolor painting is to leave blank the areas you want to have less watercolor paint, planning is very important. Good planning in sketching and the value before I apply the color is as important as applying the color on the watercolor paper. Patients is also necessary to let the watercolor paint to dry between layers. I also learn the amount of water in my brush is very important as well. It affects the intensity of the watercolor as well as the saturation of the watercolor paint. Also keep a clean wash bucket of water is just as important and I learn not to be lazy and change water often.
Watercolor Painting Daily – Landscape Painting
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