Finally finished the old bicycle watercolor painting. The background bricks are painted as well as many little details on the bicycles. The watercolr background seem to create the most problem for me when layers of watercolor is added to give the correct hue for the red brick. Many watercolor techique is used including dry brush, toobrush flicker, sponge, color being flick on with loaded watercolor brush. I am up to a point now that this painting can be called finished but I know later on there might or could be changes to it when I look at it again. Please see the page on Painting Progress for a view of the whole process.
Category Archives: Transportation
Old Bicycle Watercolor Painting
I mangaged to start the background on the brick wall last night. Lots of details need to be added on this old bicycle watercolor painting. I have painted with layers of colcor on the background bricks and I think it still needs more dark color on the shadow side of the brick. I alos touch up on the white bricks and I will do that if I find the area is too bright ater I finish the rest of the watercolor.
Old Bicycle – Watercolor Painting
I have added a few layers of watercolor wash on my old bicycle watercolor painting. It is now getting a darkish blue color against a background of white bricks. I have started with a mixture of French Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimpson and Windsor Green and gradually added layers to it until the desire color is shown. Tonight I will try to do paint the top area where it shows several rows of red bricks. It will be fun and interesting to see the effect on the watercolor painting when that is done. I am sorry about the slow progress show on these few days as you can see on the watercolor painting blog. I will start another watercolor painting after this is finished and am still thinking what I shoud next.
Old Bicycle Watercolor Painting
Painting this old bicycle watercolor is really fun. It is complicated in a way that many of the areas are divided by lines either from the background or the subject itself. I have tried to paint the shadow using layers of watercolor wash starting off with light mixture of French Ultramarine Blue and Alizarin Crimson. Then after it is completely dry, another layer of the same mixture is added on top. Then I added Windsor Green to the watercolor mixture to get it into a darker shades of grey. Another two layers of this darker color is painted after the layer is dry. It takes about six layers of watercolor wash to get to this stage I have show above. I need to darken the shadows but come to a point where I need to ask myself what color of dark do I want with this. The background was a white painted brick wall covers about two thirds of the wall and the upper part which I have not painted yet is a color of red brick. Shoud l leave the shadow alone now and paint other areas first.? I finally decided to leave it, look at it and think about it before I go any further with my old bicycle watercolor painting.
Old Bicycle Watercolor Painting
I have continue the painting of the old bicycle which I have started last week. Over the weekend, I have painted the brick background which I found quite time consuming. I started with a thin layer of wash on the light color walls and then apply the various dark areas when the first wash is still wet but loose it’s sheen. Before it is completely dry, I sprinkle some salt on otp of areas I wanted texture. After the watercolor painting is completely dry and all the salt has been brushed away, I painted the bricks with a dry brush. Then I use a tooth brush to spatter more colors on certain background areas of this old bicycle watercolor. Bigger drops are then spattered on other areas using a brush. Areas that shows rust in the fenders of the bicycle also get some spatter from the tooth brush with a more intense black. I think I will come back to this brick background on my watercolor painting after I look at it for a few days and after other areas are painted. It will give me an idea of how it fits into the overall watercolor painting. As usual, I value your comments on my daily painting.
Old Bicycle Watercolor Painting
I have continue and painted more of the old bicycle last night. It was a challenging piece of watercolor with the details of the drawing and complexity of the shadow and the subject. Lots of time is spent on distinguish between the subject and the shadows especially in the bicycle spoke area. All the bicycle spokes has to be determine if they are on top or below of the other. It turn out to be a time consuming process for this watercolor painting.
Old Bicycle Watercolor Painting
I have continue to paint the bicycle painting last night. It takes a lot of time to get the deepest black possible. There is at least six layers of watercolor wash to get the dark I want. I want a variety of blacks and so as before, different mixes of Alizarin Crimson, French Ultramarine Blue and Windsor Green is used. The rust on the bicycle is lots of fun too although I feel that it might need a little of toning down because it looks too bright in some areas. Because of the detail of the subject, it takes a lot of time to paint just a little area. I am looking forward of painting the shadows and the background which I think should be lots of fun.
Old Bicycle Watercolor Painting
I have continue with my 15 x 20 watercolor painting on an old bicycle. I have started this the night before and have continued with the painting of the subject on the horizontal support and cross bar. It takes a fair amount of time to do this painting as there are lots of blacks on the subject and mixing it in various shades of watercolor black is a challenge. I have used different ratios of mixes of French Ultramarine Blue, Alizarin Crimson and Windsor Green to get the blacks. Because there are so many blacks in this painting, I wanted a variety of blacks so that it is not just one shades of black which tends to be boring. I also do the blacks in about seven layers of watercolor wash. Each one is applied after the previous one has been completely dried. It is lots of fun doing this watercolor as it progress and take shape.