Red Chili Pepper Watercolor Painting – ATC / ACEO

Red Chili Pepper Watercolor Painting - ATC / ACEO

Red Chili Pepper Watercolor Painting - ATC / ACEO

My first watercolor after a while of inactivity

Finally last night I did a little watercolor of a red pepper.  It is in the size of an Artist Trading Card 2 1/2″ x3 1/2″.  I did a quick sketch of the pepper which my friends has given me to make Hot Chili Sauce a week ago.  I took some photograph of the pepper at the time and the watercolor was painted from one of the phographs.  I use Winsor Red, Wiinsor Violet (Winsor and Newton) and some green as my basic color in my watercolor.  Shown here is the finished Red Pepper in Watercolor.

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