My daily watercolor painting is a 5 x 7 inches painting of two red chili peppers on cold press watercolor paper. This time I try painting a flat blue wash as the watercolor background before I painted the peppers. I like it better than just a white background as I have with most of my previous chii pepper studies. It seems to have soften the background and is not as harsh. I shall try some other color as my background later on. After the background color is completely dried, I painted the two red peppers and later on the shadows. It was lots of fun. After I have finished, I found a pencil outline for the shadow of the red pepper which I have missed. This is the shadow where the top chili cast onto the backgound and the pepper below. I seems ok without the shadow but I will put that in tomorrow just to see how it looks.
Tag Archives: hot
Watercolor Painting – Two Chili Peppers
Last night I did a 5 x 7 inches watercolor painting of two chili peppers. One is red and the other one is orange and yellow. It is a good exercise to practice the color wash and the use of watercolor pigments. The red chilli pepper is done with a mixture of reds and is put in layers. Highlight is done using clean water on the paper before the red layer is applied. Later on the highlights are lifted with a wet bristle brush. More darker red is applied to the shadow side of the red chili pepper. The yellow and orange pepper is done the same way with different pigments of watercolor. Shadows is then applied as layers of blue purple watercolor on dry paper and then other more intense watercolor layer is put on top. A little fun exercise.
Chili Pepper Watercolor Painting – Still Life
My daily painting in watercolor is another red Chili Pepper. If is purposely painted with watercolor in a different way and style mainly using flat wash. It is drawn on a 5 x 7 inches 140 Arches Cold Press Watercolor paper. I did this Chili Pepper Watercolor painting in layers of wash. It is first started with the lightest one of the whole Pepper leaving out the very bright highlights. Then when it is completely dry, I put on another layer taking in consideration of the tones and shapes of the subject. Then layer upon layer of flat wash after every layer is completely dry creates the effect of color and gives its shape. Simple outline on some of the lighter shapes is done last. The stem of the pepper is done the same way. I must say I have the most fun in doing the shadows. It is the same application of flat wash one on top of another for this special watercolor painting effect.
Chili Pepper Watercolor Painting – Red
This is a 5 x 7 inches watercolor painting of a red chili pepper. I try to apply a wash for a background instead of leaving it white as many of my last paintings. This is a still life using artist Winsor and Newton watercolor and is done on cold press watercolor paper. This one was done by painting the chili pepper first and leave the background and the shadow for last. I will try to do one where I paint the background first and leave the pepper and shadow for last. Then I would like to do another one with an underpainting for the entire sheet of paper before I paint the subject and the background. It would be a good exercise for me to learn the property of the transparent watercolor.
Red Jalapeno Pepper Watercolor Painting
Chili Pepper Watercolor Painting – ATC
This one I did late last night. I like the color of this pepper which is from yellow to a beautiful organge color. Everytime I do a painting of any size I feel at one point that the painting is really looking bad and un-salvageable. It is usually at the three quarter of the way. At that point sometimes I will want to give up, destory it and start over again. But if I can tell myself to stick to it, go on and pass that point, my painting tends to be ok the next day I look at it. That is the time when I have to say to myself not to stop but do my best to go on. It will turn our alright.
Hot Chili Pepper Watercolor Painting – ATC
Paint another pepper again last night. Now it is 3 peppers all together. These are all ATC card size which is 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 and would be interesting for me to try painting a bigger size watercolor. Well, I found these peppers are quite nice to do and it is good to learn layering in doing my watercolor.